Indian head massage workshop
Indian head massage is based on the ancient system of healing, Ayurveda, which is nearly five thousand years old. It works by releasing the stress that has accumulated in the tissues, muscles, and joints of head, face, neck and shoulder areas. It is an excellent method for reducing stress, removing toxins, relaxing muscular spasms in the head and neck area.
Benefits of Indian head massage
- It improves physical and mental heath by relieving build up stress and tension
- Relieves headaches, migraines, neck and back pain.
- Improves scalp circulation, prevents hair fall, promote hair growth.
- Improves clarity, concentration.
- Relieves symptoms of insomnia, anxiety and depression.
- Increasing feelings of peace, calm and well being.
- Indian Head Massage has a powerful effect in bringing the energy of the body.
What would be covered?
- Ayurvedic concepts:Three life forces, Five basic elements, Constitution analysis
- Marma (energy points) and Shrotas (energy flow channels) on head and neck- Anatomical location of Marma points and Shrotas
- Indications and contra indications for Indian head massage- Who will benefit, when not to do it; precautions to take if some contra indications exist.
- Strokes and movements- Direction, pressure and force.
- Choice of oils
- Traditional Ayurvedic protocol
- Worksheets and instructions to take home
Venue: AyuSpa: A centre for women who know they are special
26 Bates Road, RD3 Tamahere Hamilton
Please bring a vegetarian dish for shared lunch
Cost $150.00 Booking essential. Pay by cash, cheque or internet.
Kiwi bank 38-9010-0472125-00
phone 07 856 3946 or 027 280 2472
Date: 16th Feb 2015
Time: 10 am to 3 Pm
Please bring a vegetarian dish for shared lunch
To reserve your place pay before 13th feb 2015.