Only a few places are left- Starting at 10 am on Monday 4th November 2024
Renew Yourself ($250 per person, 4 hours) Centered around cleansing energy, mindful practices, comfort, and solace, the Renew Yourself retreat is perfect for those searching for a restart and rejuvenation. Bring your group and enjoy a day that begins with yoga, led by Dr Rachna Kumar in the beautiful countryside. Soak in the hot spa […]
ADHD TREATMENT IN AYURVEDA: A HOLISTIC APPROACH Many people, both children and adults, experience attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is a common neurodevelopmental condition, which involves challenges with focusing, excessive activity levels, and acting impulsively. While traditional treatments often rely on medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes, alternative approaches like Ayurveda offer a holistic perspective on […]
What is Panchakarma
In simple terms Pancha (five) karma (actions) is a comprehensive treatment that involves five steps Snehan or saturating the body with oil done internally and externally improves lubrication of joints, adds glow to the skin and prepare trapped Doshas to be released by subsequent treatments of Panchakarma. Swedana or applying heat: either dry or wet […]